NecroBones TRIBES2
Missions / Maps
Installation Instructions - Installing maps is quite easy. To install, simply save the VL2 files into your tribes2/gamedata/base directory. That's it! |
UPDATE - The missions here are now saved in VL2 format (see installation instructions above), and also include their loading-images. If you already have previous copies, you may wish to re-download them to have this feature. |
NecroBones CTF Maps, v5 (2.5 MB) - Here's the entire collection of released Server-Side CTF Maps, all in one big easy-to-download file. The ZIP contains a single VL2 file you can install on your server that will provide you with all of the CTF NecroBones Maps released to date. This file will be updated with each new release, so all you need to do is re-install this VL2 file each time, or you can still download the maps individually. This file also contains the mission-loading images.
If the link above doesn't work, or you hate fileplanet/gamespy, there's another way to easily get my maps. Simply go to "" and use their "build a map pack" feature to get the maps you want. |
[NecroBones Maps on]
![]() The main bases float upon a thick cloud layer, with their keels being all that's visible from the ground. Multiple vehicle pads keep the lines short, as do respawning shrikes on the main base. The flags are protected by orange forcefields, making capping possible with the power up, but rather difficult. The FF generator is in a tower on the ground, and has minimal built-in defense. The ground consists of a patchwork of steep hills and rivers, and the ground-level vpad will spawn hovervehicles for use in assaulting the enemy FF gen tower. Because the cloud layer seperating the main bases from the ground is so visually obscuring, it's possible for air-vehicles to actually sneak up on their targets to some degree (depending on the status of the base sensors) :) [ScreenShot#1] [ScreenShot#2] [ScreenShot#3] [ScreenShot#4] Server-Side, CTF & Dogfight [no bots] |
![]() Like "Disco Inferno", this map was originally one of the sample-maps from the BONES Mod, and thus will not operate precisely the same way without the mod. Namely, the base turret will start without a barrel, and the MPBs will not be able to redeploy in their spawn locations (except at the beginning) due to being too close to the flagbase. This is a close-range battle, mostly on foot, in a large deep valley. There are no vehicles or inventory stations -except- for the two MPBs that respawn. The flags are out in the open, and there's little in the way of natural defense except for the lay of the land. It's a fast and furious battle! [ScreenShot#1] [ScreenShot#2] [ScreenShot#3] [ScreenShot#4] Server-Side, CTF [no bots] |
![]() [ScreenShot#1] [ScreenShot#2] [ScreenShot#3] [ScreenShot#4] Server-Side, CTF [no bots] |
![]() This map breaks from standard CTF gameplay by making both flags inaccessible to the other team. Capping is done by taking a 3rd "neutral" flag and bringing it home. Both teams therefore must fight for control of the neutral base, which normally is supposed to defend itself, but as I said, the BONES mod is needed for that. In practice, people tend to fight over the Disco Hall instead, but hey, who's to argue, right? Player's don't need to download the map to play, but if you download it you can hear "Disco Inferno" playing in the Disco Hall. :) [A small unauthorized non-lyrical looping clip] The map is a little framerate-hungry, but it's a cute concept/novelty map that the players on your server will either love or despise. :) [ScreenShot#1] [ScreenShot#2] [ScreenShot#3] [ScreenShot#4] Server-Side, CTF [no bots] |
![]() [ScreenShot#1] [ScreenShot#2] [ScreenShot#3] [ScreenShot#4] Server-Side, CTF + Dogfight + Artillery [no bots] |
![]() [ScreenShot#1] [ScreenShot#2] [ScreenShot#3] [ScreenShot#4] Server-Side, CTF + Dogfight + Artillery [no bots] |
![]() [ScreenShot#1] [ScreenShot#2] [ScreenShot#3] [ScreenShot#4] Server-Side, CTF + Dogfight + Artillery [no bots] |
![]() Each team has a tall tower (600m, or 2000ft), with multiple power systems that control different things. It's a very vertical map, requiring decent jetting skills, so I wouldn't consider it a newbie-friendly map. It's more of an advanced map. It can make for some very different and refreshing strategies. The visible distance and fog were adjusted for the pictures so you can see the towers. In gameplay, the fog will actually be much thicker. [ScreenShot#1] [ScreenShot#2] [ScreenShot#3] [ScreenShot#4] Server-Side, CTF [no bots] |
![]() [ScreenShot#1] [ScreenShot#2] [ScreenShot#3] [ScreenShot#4] Server-Side, CTF [no bots] |
![]() The map consists of two fairly simplistic bases with the flags out in the open, and only one nearby base turret. The terrain is graceful and flat, and there is a capturable stonehenge-like circle of stones in the center. All of the base turrets in the mission start out unequipped, and thus are useless until someone installs barrels. The stone circle is the only area on the map that gets struck by lightning, and it makes for a fun and interesting combat area. You'll find that tanks and MPBs are very important on this map, perhaps more so than the air vehicles. [ScreenShot#1] [ScreenShot#2] [ScreenShot#3] [ScreenShot#4] Server-Side, CTF & CNH [no bots] |
![]() [ScreenShot#1] [ScreenShot#2] [ScreenShot#3] [ScreenShot#4] Server-Side, CTF [no bots] |
![]() [ScreenShot#1] [ScreenShot#2] [ScreenShot#3] [ScreenShot#4] Server-Side, CTF & CNH [no bots] |
![]() [ScreenShot#1] [ScreenShot#2] [ScreenShot#3] [ScreenShot#4] [ScreenShot#5] Server-Side, CTF & CNH [no bots] |
![]() [ScreenShot#1] [ScreenShot#2] [ScreenShot#3] [ScreenShot#4] Server-Side, CTF [no bots] |
![]() [ScreenShot#1] [ScreenShot#2] [ScreenShot#3] [ScreenShot#4] Server-Side, CTF & CNH [no bots] |
![]() [ScreenShot#1] [ScreenShot#2] [ScreenShot#3] [ScreenShot#4] [ScreenShot#5] Server-Side, CTF [no bots] |
![]() [ScreenShot#1] [ScreenShot#2] [ScreenShot#3] [ScreenShot#4] Server-Side, CNH CTF Siege (unfair, not meant to be played) [no bots] |
![]() The main differences between 1B and version 1 is that this newer map works as CTF, CNH, and Siege, and has all the appropriate objectives for each game mode. I think a few other minor cleanups were made as well. It's a great novelty map, though it's rough on the framerate. :) [ScreenShot#1] [ScreenShot#2] [ScreenShot#3] [ScreenShot#4] Server-Side, CNH CTF Siege (unfair, not meant to be played) [no bots] |
![]() [ScreenShot#1] [ScreenShot#2] [ScreenShot#3] [ScreenShot#4] Server-Side, CNH (unfair, not meant to be played) [no bots] |
![]() [ScreenShot#1] [ScreenShot#2] [ScreenShot#3] [ScreenShot#4] Server-Side, CTF [no bots] |
![]() [ScreenShot#1] [ScreenShot#2] [ScreenShot#3] [ScreenShot#4] Server-Side, CTF [no bots] |
![]() [ScreenShot#1] [ScreenShot#2] [ScreenShot#3] [ScreenShot#4] Server-Side, CTF [no bots] |
![]() [ScreenShot#1] [ScreenShot#2] [ScreenShot#3] [ScreenShot#4] Server-Side, CTF & CNH [no bots] |
![]() [ScreenShot#1] [ScreenShot#2] [ScreenShot#3] [ScreenShot#4] [ScreenShot#5] Server-Side, CTF & CNH [no bots] |
![]() [ScreenShot#1] [ScreenShot#2] [ScreenShot#3] [ScreenShot#4] Server-Side, CTF [no bots] |
![]() [ScreenShot#1] [ScreenShot#2] [ScreenShot#3] [ScreenShot#4] Server-Side, CTF [no bots] |
![]() [ScreenShot#1] [ScreenShot#2] [ScreenShot#3] [ScreenShot#4] Server-Side, CTF [no bots] |
![]() [ScreenShot#1] [ScreenShot#2] [ScreenShot#3] [ScreenShot#4] Server-Side, CTF [no bots] |
![]() [ScreenShot#1] [ScreenShot#2] [ScreenShot#3] [ScreenShot#4] Server-Side, CTF [no bots] |
![]() New in this version:
Server-Side, CTF [no bots] |
![]() [screenshot1] [screenshot2] [screenshot3] [screenshot4] [screenshot5] [screenshot6] Server-Side, CTF [no bots] |
![]() New in this version:
Server-Side, CTF [no bots] |
![]() Anyway, this map is a variant of Slapdash, in which I added rain and lightning, lots of fog, water, crashed vehicles with corpses, statues, and moved the flag into a more protected bunker closer to the base. It's a fun mission, and things tend to go in several directions depending on the players' mentalities. Either the fighting tends to be restricted to the immediate vacinity of the bases and will be fast and furious, or the fighting will be covert cat-and-mouse games out in the field, since the fog really allows for stealthy sneaking around. It's a creepy mission, and it's a lot of fun. Server-Side, CTF [no bots] |
[All content Copyright 2001, Ed T Toton III, All Rights Reserved]