NecroBones TRIBES2
Server Info
Necessary Client-Side Map Downloads:
This server has been modded. For a list of the mod's features, click here to see the webpage BONES Mod. Our philosophy: Tribes is meant to be fun, and in a specific way that few games have been able to match. It's all about teamwork.. it's coordinated squad warfare. It's a mix of strategy and action. It's a first-person shooter for thinkers. It's carnage for the philosopher. To that end, the NecroBones Server is dedicated to providing a place for those who choose to play fairly and with respect to the game concept and to the players around them. The tweaks made to the server reflect a desire to improve defensive tactics, in an effort to promote more forethought and teamwork when going on offense, to help prevent "base-rape", and to continue in the vein of "slowed pace" in favor of "more strategy". Tribes has more in common with chess than it does with Quake or Unreal, and we want to keep it that way. The server rules are simple...
Current Admins:
[All content Copyright 2001, Ed T Toton III, All Rights Reserved]